
What is John F. Barnes

Myofascial Release

John F. Barnes, PT discovered what he later called Myofascial Release after suffering a debilitating low back injury in a weight room. He came to realize that the linear thinking he was taught in Physical Therapy school, of how it was believed that our bodies heal, wasn’t helping to relieve his pain over the long run.  He came to learn that our fascia, or connective tissue, is not the dried up, non-purposeful layers of tissue that was minimally, if at all, talked about to medical students across the country at the time. In fact, in the living human, he came to discover that the 3-dimentional, head to foot fascial system is the largest living system in the body.  He also came to learn that this is the only system to touch and therefore affect, all other systems.  Over time, w/ more and more studying of this system, he realized that the more you push against a system, the more it pushes back, explaining why the work he teaches is primarily very gentle.  With the practitioners’ hands placed on dry skin in certain positions, with a certain amount of pressure, over an extended period of time, our fascial system will begin to Release (he calls this the ground substance).

When our fascia hardens due to emotional/physical trauma, surgeries/scar tissue laid down, inflammation in our bodies/stress, or repetitive movements, it puts crushing pressure on surrounding structures. This, in turn, often causes pain in various degrees, showing up in various locations. Since our fascial system is a 3-dimentional web spanning throughout our entire body, pain in one area doesn’t necessarily indicate the origin of that pain.  This is the amazing difference between JFB Myofascial Release and all other healing modalities. 

Since this work is most often completely different than any other body work most people have ever experienced, it’s not possible to understand it cognitively; you must FEEL it.

This work is all about feeling, not at all about thinking. Here is a short video of what our facial system looks like under the microscope (it cannot be detected by X-rays, MRIs, Ct scans, etc.)

Strolling under The Skin ; Jean Claude Guimberteau

“Nothing shuts down healing faster than the 'why?' “ - John F. Barnes